What is the All Saints Icon Academy?

by the hand of Kh Denise Reardon
All Saints parish has a number of active iconographers with a reverence and desire for this ministry within the Church. The first expression of this has been the beautiful icons produced in quiet and used “for the glory, joy and adornment of Thy Holy Church.”
A second fruit of this love for iconography has been the desire to see it grow. As such, the parish sponsors an annual Iconography Workshop held in Rockford, Illinois. Our iconography instructor teaches both the techniques and theology of iconography in an Orthodox atmosphere. With each student completing an icon, there is a truly glorious end to the week together!
The icon on this page, as well as many others throughout this website, are examples of the fruit of these annual workshops.
Upcoming workshops are scheduled on:
- June 16-22, 2019 for all skill levels
Location: Rockford, Illinois
Soli Deo Gloria!
For more information, contact Eva using the following form: