Parish Council


The All Saints Parish Council is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the parish and its ministries.

Parish Council meetings are regularly scheduled for the 2nd Monday of each month, at 7:30 PM in the church basement. Any member of the parish is welcome to attend.

At All Saints, the Parish Council membership consists of 13 people selected as follows: the pastor; 3 members appointed for staggered three-year terms by the pastor; 3 members elected at large by the parish for staggered three-year terms; 4 ex officio members by virtue of their appointment by the pastor as leaders of the permanent ministries of Children’s Education, Choir, Secretary/Treasurer, and Teen SOYO; 1 ex officio member by virtue of their election by the parish women as President of the Women’s ministry; and 1 ex officio member as Warden of Facilities who servers in that office at request of the Chairman of the Parish Council.

The annual Parish Convocation meets the first Sunday each October, and elects new parish council members. The Parish Council, after each annual convocation, elects the Chairman from among the Parish Council Membership.

All members of the parish Council are voting members, with the exception of the Chairman, who never votes, except at his option as a “tie breaker” to move a question either above or below the required 2/3 affirmative votes required for a question to pass.