Ancient Faith Radio exists to supplement the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic church with on line audio programming of music, prayers, readings, lectures and interviews.
Offering two 24 hour internet based Orthodox radio stations, Ancient Faith Radio also provides an extensive list of downloadable Orthodox Podcasts. This ministry was founded at All Saints Orthodox Church in Chicago but is now part of Conciliar Media Ministries which in turn is under the auspices of the Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of North America.
Technology has opened the door for a worldwide radio ministry featuring the teachings and music of the historic Orthodox faith. This is a pan Orthodox ministry seeking to serve and support all jurisdictions with clear and concise expressions of the faith.
Ancient faith Radio says they are “timeless Christianity 24 hours a day” reflecting both the eternality and the daily presence of our Lord Jesus Christ in our midst. Christ is truly in our midst and He truly ever shall be!
Learn about the story of Ancient Faith Radio as told in this article in The Word magazine.